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Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Hakka Language

It was still early before my work started, I went into a shop to buy for a newspaper. Unfortunately, that shop wasn't selling any newspaper. I spoke with that old lady in Hakka. She was impressed to see how my Hakka was so good and was very happy about it. She went to search a book and gave it to me telling me that it was her teacher who wrote that.

When I return home and showed this to my parents, they were shocked to see that this book was written by the famous guy whose handwriting of Chinese was number 1 in Mauritius. All the words in the book was written by himself and yet it appears to have been typed from a computer. My parents when told me that the woman's teacher was also her husband.

Then I realized how humble that old lady was for not telling me directly that it was her husband.

Sometimes, you may not realize how great a person is until you're told so.

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